This is not really a "hey look what's going on with the family", it is more of a "COME ON!!" post...
As many people know, Arin and I are part of the Nintendo Wii phenomenon, and one of the games i have been looking forward to for 6-8 months, Wii Fit, I thought was supposed to launch today. so I went to Best Buy, which by the way was the only place I could still pre-order a copy, and put up my $5 for a deposit, and patiently waited for 5/19/08 to roll around.
This morning I couldn't find my wallet before work, which should have been my first sign that something was awry. So I went to work without my wallet, and just a book of checks for get my long awaited video game. Lunch finally rolled around, do I took off to Best Buy. I grabbed my receipt, and the little reminder card THAT SAID PICK UP MAY 19 2008 mind you, and walked in. I went up to the customer service counter like the instructions said, and the guy went back to get my game for me.
I watched him as he walked up empty handed, and began to tell me that Nintendo pushed the release date back to Wednesday 5/19, so I had to wait TWO MORE DAYS!! I now have a feeling that I know a little bit more about how the Burmese people feel, having to wait for food and aid. My issues may be a bit of a smaller scale, but it is still frustrating.
I really hope that Nintendo gets with it and actually sticks with a scheduled release date so people who have pre-ordered items and expected them in a timely manner recieve them.
I told you htat this blog may have some geeky and non-news worthy posts, and this shall be one of them. Thanks for letting me vent!
Poor Little Thing
15 years ago
That's funny because instead of food, Nintendo sent all their pre-release copies to the Burmese people.
I especially appreciate your comparison between you waiting for the Wii-fit game and Burmese people waiting for food. I am sure that they understand your pain Mark! Hilarious!
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