This Fathers day was an entire weekend of fun and productivity... Since I really didn't want to plan on doing anything around the house Sunday, I wanted to get a few projects around the yard done on Saturday I have been wanting to get out of the way. The three of us went to Home Depot on Saturday morning to pick up a roto-tiller for the flower garden in the front yard. I got it in the back of the rodeo and headed to the house determined to get it done within the four hours I rented it for. It isn't a huge amount of area, so I thought I would be in good shape. Well since I was able to finish and return it within 2 hours, I had enough time to get the REALLY fun toy that we have wanted to rent for a couple of years.
We have had a lilac bush stump in our back yard since we have moved in and I have tried to ignore it, but it never seemed to go away. So I rented the grinder and went to work. It didn't stop running and grinding for the entire 4 hours it took to get the stump below the ground level.
I knew how much Arin enjoyed heavy machinery, so I let her take a shift or two. we both had fun running it and now it is GONE!! Finally, it's level and other than the lack of grass the back yard is looking more and more like a place I would like to spend time outside.
With that done I felt like I could enjoy Sunday. We all got up and had a reasonably normal morning and went off to church. I wanted to try a B-B-Q restaurant here in town, so we decided to invite some friends out to lunch with us. We drove all the way there to find out that they are closed on Sundays, so we went to Wendy's instead. It's hamburgers, kinda the same isn't it?
After Maggie woke up from her nap, we had the first chance this summer to play in the pool. She really didn't want to wear a swimming suit, but once we showed her that Mommy and Daddy were wearing theirs to go swimming, she thought it might be ok. The last few days have been so warm, that the pool warmed up considerably, but Maggie needed a bit of encouragement because the bottom was still cold. Once she realized that she could stand up and splash, she had a great time.
Our pool is just a 8 foot bag of water 30 inches deep. Nothing fancy but a perfect size for her and the rest of the family to enjoy.
She was having a great time, and it just made for a really great Fathers Day. I am so happy that I am blessed with a wonderful wife and an amazing little daughter. I am so thankful that God has entrusted me with two beautiful parts of his creation, and can't wait for the many Fathers Days yet to come that I can continue to enjoy both of them for the rest of my life.
and yes... I DID make it to Dairy Queen for my free Fathers day Blizzard. They should make them free every day. Just an idea
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