With enough searching and trying I knew I could do it. I found out that I can send a picture to flickr, then they have an "auto-blog address" that will automatically send that picture and text to blogger.
You need to sign up with flickr (it's free) and then click this link
It will walk you through setting up an email address so you can send straight to flickr. Then you can also set up an auto blogging feature that you choose your blog and it will give you a second address that will let you send it to flickr and then it posts it in the right format to Blogger. It SOUNDS kind of complicated, but theflickr site walks you through it really easily.
Once you set it up right, you will get TWO addresses. One that is for posting straight to flickr words##words@photos.flickr.com, and one that will post the picture to flickr AND auto post it to your blog words##words2blog@photos.flickr.com. (you will receive your personalized address. They will both be the same except that the blogging one will have 2blog included in it.) I added the second one to my phone contacts with just the second email address. That way I don't need to remember the address, I just pick dadspov in my contacts, hit send and it is done!!
It creates a link to the picture on flickr, so as long as you don't delete it from flickr you will be fine.
Now when I take a picture the subject becomes the title and then the body is the text. I KNEW I COULD DO IT!! It should work with any phone and any service. you will just need to pay for sending a picture if your plan doesn't include it.
Poor Little Thing
15 years ago
I was looking just for this, thanks a bunch!
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