Sunday, November 02, 2008


On Friday Maggie and her cousin Camden had their first opportunity to be part of a little kids favorite past time.Halloween2008 010   Halloween2008 159

Trick or Treating!  We try and teach our kids not to take candy from strangers, then dress them up and send them door to door to do JUST THAT!  Just look at how cute they are, who wouldn't give them candy...  We had so much fun taking Little Dorothy and Buzz Light Year our for a night on the town.  When they went to he first house, they were both a little nervous.  But as soon as they got candy put in their baskets, they thought that was pretty cool.  Maggie couldn't wait to "Do that next house!"  They walked up together and gave variations of "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween".  But luckily they both were able to say thank you at all the houses.

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I was very glad that I took my camera with the external flash so that I could take pictures on almost complete darkness.  (Arin and I didn't bring flashlights.  We thought we would be out earlier and for not as long as we were.)  Both of them had a great time, and then as we got home Arin and I had our first chance of the privilege of being parents by putting the kids down and then raiding the candy.

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It was so much fun to take the kids out for the Halloween experience, and hope to be able to get together ands do this every year.